Favorite Toys and Links for Holiday Shopping 2019
Play IS the work and the language of children. They become what they play so choose wonder, choose fun!
Remember, the less a toy does, the more your child does. So, choose toys that encourage problem solving and imagination, and that honor your child’s unique style of play.
Here are just a few of the many fun and fabulous toys out there. This first list has a ton of STEM toys to engage and inspire.
1. Wedgits from Amazon
2. Excellerations® Window Blocks from Discount School Supply
3. Tabletop Light Box from Becker School Supply
4. Color Mix Glasses from Becker School Supply
5. Tree Blocks from Discount School Supply
6. Engineer-a-Coaster Activity Kit from Lakeshore
7. Peg-It Number Boards from Kaplan
8. Build Me “Emotions” from Lego
9. Up & Down Roller Caster from Step2
10. Jumbo Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Counters
11. Boon Pipes Water Bath Toy from Amazon
12. Fun Shape Paint Swatters from Discount School Supply
More Favorites:
Favorite 2-Way Easel with Plexiglass for social play from Lakeshore
Silly Art – Body Doodlers from For Small Hands
Monster Truck from Amazon
Balance & Silliness Fav – The Bilibo Chair from Amazon
Favorite Ball Tracker from Lakeshore
Tobbles from Fat Brain Toy Co.
Lollipop Drum (10 inch) from Amazon
Spin Around Sit n Spin from Amazon
Audubon Authentic Sounds Plush Birds from Amazon
Little Lock Box from Amazon
Of course, there is no end to the number of awesome toys out there! We LOVE to play. But play can never be part of FOMO. It cannot be more more more. It is a connection to an object or an activity that fills us with joy, engages heart-soul-body.
Never worry – is it enough? Or, is it right? Children know how to play. They know how to discover what is FUN. And, when they are in doubt, they will create it forthemselves – out of nothing…or out of the boxes and the wrapping.
Play on, friends!
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